Wednesday, 15 February 2017

High Value-Add Schools: Key Drivers of School Improvement, CESE

High Value Added Schools

The research paper identifies elements of focus for High Value Added Schools.

1. Effective Collaboration
2. Engaging and sharing in professional learning
3. Setting whole-school goal and strategies for change
4. Using explicit and effective teaching strategies
5. Creating an environment that promotes learning and high levels of student engagement
6. Setting high expectations for achievement

The research demonstrates the link nicely with some of the main influences of Visible Learning, which include:
1. High expectations
2. Explicit and timely feedback
3. Collective Teacher Efficiency

The focus of the review was to identify commonalities within the schools that have demonstrated significant growth within various areas of the school environment.
It is of interest to consider what is being done in schools to establish growth and to consider what is relevant to a school's context.

Utilising the HVA document enables schools to analyse and reflect on the overall performance of the school on an ongoing basis.

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